Yoga in Pregnancy
Why do it?
Most of us find aspects of pregnancy and labour challenging. Yoga helps with the physical aspects of pregnancy and giving birth by creating a more open pelvis, more space for the baby, and alleviates some of the discomfort for the mother. Yoga also brings a calmness of mind and an awareness of breath that are invaluable tools for labour.
My experience of yoga, pregnancy and birth.
I have used yoga extensively through my four pregnancies. My first labour and delivery was with a posterior baby. He was delivered in 6 hours, without any pain relief or intervention.
It was when I was pregnant with my second child that I trained to teach antenatal yoga in Auckland, New Zealand (2003). My second baby was born in about two and a half hours. My use of yoga and breathing meant that I felt very little discomfort. In fact, I really enjoyed my labour! These tools should be available to every woman. I have since had a third boy and a baby girl in London and trained to teach postnatal yoga with the British Wheel of Yoga. I believe that yoga helped me enormously with the birth and recovery after all of my children. This is why I have been sharing my knowledge of yoga with other pregnant and postnatal women for the past 10 years.
I mostly teach at the esteemed Birthcare Hospital in New Zealand but run very special workshops when I am back in London.
You can contact me at or text 07789225936 for information about individual lessons or group classes.